Ready to reclaim public space?

Since May 2024, Make a Point has officially become Format C:

All previous projects will be neatly archived on

We use art to ​better local ​communities

Life becomes easier when communities come ​together. We’re urban culture movers and shakers, ​pondering at the oh so many walls between us.

Walls we raised to protect ourselves, but walls ​which now keeps us lonely, locked. Walls can be ​the canvas for your story.

Definitely, your area deserves to be turned from ​vapid to vivid.


We envision an empathetic, tolerant ​Romania that has vibrant communities, with ​as many neighborhoods as possible where ​you would love to move to, as opposed to ​move out of.

m ssion

Our mission is to harness the creative ​energy of visual artists dedicated to ​social, environmental and educational ​causes to improve local communities.

our team

Copywriting, graphic ​design, art teaching

Iulia ​Enăchescu

Murals, illustration, graphic ​design, creative industries

Murals, illustration, graphic ​design, comics, animation

PR, project ​management

Cosmin ​Pojoranu

Let's talk

Want to volunteer or team up for a ​specific project?

We’re always looking for relevant ​collaborations, so if you have an idea, ​just drop us a line.

Ajută-ne să colorăm țara cu murale mici și mari

Redirecționează 3,5% din impozitul pe venit către Format ​C. Completează declarația 230, dacă ești salariat, sau ​trece datele noastre în Declarația Unică, dacă ai ​venituri din activități independente (PFA, drepturi de ​autor, etc)

Datele asociației:

  • Nume: Format C
  • CIF - 26132196
  • Cont bancar: RO26 INGB 0000 99991251 4025

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Social Media > instagram

> facebook
